DSL55 – Art, Sausages, Pop up

DSL55 Pop Up Guerilla Store HamburgOne of the hippest things to do these days in marketing for clothing brands is creating a “guerilla pop up store”, a place to have parties, exhibitions and to sell clothes. It’s guerilla because it looks all improvised and pop up because it only lasts for a certain time.

Diesel’s little brother brand 55DSL does that in Hamburg in a former milk bar and the opening last weekend worked pretty well. They had lots of beer and sausages and a hiphop DJ who was a little sad because he was only allowed to play at radio volume. The police showed up five times, the street was packed with people who wanted to get in and the place was packed with people in white plastic bags who couldn’t get out. That, of course, was an art installation by New York artist Mike Bouchet.

DSL55 Hamburg Pop Up Guerilla StoreAll to promote a new collection by Renzo Rosso’s (the Diesel founder) son, Andrea Rosso, who designed some very new ravy pieces. The audience last weekend maybe was even a little too old for that kind of clothes but from now on the store is open until the 30th of November – Schulterblatt 12, Hamburg so anybody can have a look.

One weekend in Hamburg

This last weekend I was in Hamburg, attending the big socialdemocratic party summit (Bundesparteitag) that gathered several thousand people to redefine social democratic politics and elect their representers like Kurt Beck, party leader and often said to be a provincial teddy but who proved to have the strength to lead the party on the path towards the next elections.

I liked the atmosphere and the political discussions and met many interesting people. I also quite liked most of the programmatic decisions like a general basic school with ten obligatory classes for all or trying to ban rightwing extremist party NPD. Strange enough in the big media the idea of a general speed limit of 130 kmh had the biggest echo, a very banal decision I don’t care about at all. Well, it’s the auto-country here.

My job was to present and promote the new political community for the social democrats: MeineSPD.net. We (A&B FACE2NET and the SPD) have been working on that platform for quite some time so it was like attending the birth of a child, very anxious about how it would see its first light. And the reactions were amazing. Of course, there are many things to improve, but in general, the people loved their new community were they can connect to other party members and people interested in social democratic politics, upload fotos, discuss in forums, build groups and blog. In the course of the three days there were about 3000 registrations. Simply amazing.

Tonight: 5 years watergate

Watergate Berlin from bridgeWatergate seen from the Oberbaum bridge, by FeffefActually, Watergate is one of the best clubs in Berlin. It’s a great venue, just by the river, you can sit outside or dance inside, in two really big rooms and, to be honest, it has a soundsystem that might not be as massive as the Fabric‘s e.g. but certainly stands the test against the other big club players in Berlin. Tresor does not sound any better, neither does Berghain, not to speak of Week-end, Cookies, Tape, 103, Maria or whatever, Watergate sets a standard in sound here. Not only that, the club is famous for its immense light show, a stream of LEDs that cover the ceiling and swoosh through the night.

Watergate Berlin club lightshowWatergate lightshow, by SgisToday, Watergate celebrates its fifth birthday which is a long time for a club in Berlin. Last years fourth birthday was massive already and you better come early because although its a wednesday it is going to be packed. You know: in Berlin there is no difference in between weekend and week, the party people will always be around.

So will the DJs tonight: André Galluzzi (Taksi, Ostgut Ton), Zip (Perlon), Sammy Dee (Perlon), Matt John (Perlon), Sebo K. (Mobilee, Get Physical), Tom Clark (Highgrade), Jens Bond Highgrade, Sender), Phage (Mobilee, Upon You), Daniel Dreier (Highgrade, Klang), Ruede Hagelstein (Upon You), Carsten Klemann (My My), Nick Höppner (My My) and many more.

Eight legs – Are the Smiths back?

Not exactly, but here’s another great band that is willing to take their place: Eight legs from London. Check out this video: These Grey Days

While the song is really poppy and charming, the video sports an old idea (filming persons who hang upside down and then turn the image again) but still brings out funny results.
Eight legs have had considerable success in Japan, produced one very ska-ish song with Brian O´Shaughnessy (Primal Scream) and are all together a very funky, danceable group and certainly fun to watch live, too.

Legendary Beatstreet comes back this sunday

New location (Skalitzer 130), new drive, great line-up: This sunday, October 21st, the legendary Beatstreet afterhour opens its gates again (18:00) and tries to live up to the big expectations. Check beatstreet.info for more information and Hauptstadtblog for a longer stories about Berlin afterhours including a movie that starts at Beatstreet.

Stylewalker appears behind the turntables again this saturday at Waldohreule near Schlesisches Tor, so be prepared!

Quantum theory, system theory and a really good album

Schrödingers Katze by Reinhard WannerSchrödingers Cat, installation by Reinhard WannerThese three have something in common: It’s the promise for something big that’s hiding behind it. When I heard Radioheads “OK Computer” for the first time or Notwists “Shrink”, I knew it were great pieces of music I am just not able to understand yet. I listened to them again and again and slowly they unfolded their magic just like I expected.

With system theory it happened to me in a similar way. The first time I heard about the idea of seeing society as a communicative system that consists of communication and nothing else I was fascinated yet unable to grasp only ten percent of what it really means as a consequence. Now, I even read books understanding that their authors criticize system theory without having understood them.

As for quantum theory I am still struggling – what about these strange states and probabilities little quantums are in? Being waves and particles at the same time? And what about Schrödinger’s cat who is dead AND alive at the same time? I know there is something big waiting for me, I just need to be patient to understand.

In the meantime I listen to Stars new album “In Our Bedroom After The War” (order on itunes) because it’s really great and look forward to Chikinki‘s new album “Brace Brace” which will be out on Weekender records in November. Singer Rupert’S voice still sounds pretty whiny but very charismatic and the whole Chikinki-experience has become much bigger and broader. Check out “Oh my God” from the new album:

Wednesday: Notic Nastic at ZMF

While being in the middle of preparing their appearance at Insomnia festival in Tromsö, Norway, the friendly yet hard partying robots and robotines have a special appearance at ZMF this wednesday: Notic Nastic will play live at zurmoebelfabrik on Brunnenstrasse 10, stagetime: 01:00h. Rock with us, go with us on a holiday, celebrate the Norwegian winter!
Notic Nastic Myspace

Before you can go to Week-end to attend a lecture held by Sonar Kollektiv and Red Bull Music Academy about the last ten years in music business. Starts at 20pm and features Jürgen von Knoblauch, Claas Brieler, Stefan Leisering, Axel Reinemer (all Jazzanova), Steffen “Dixon” Berkhahn (Innervisions), Dirk Rumpff (Red Bull Music Academy) and Jan Joswig (De:Bug).

La caseta: Hottest place in Barcelona this summer

La casetaIf one bar in Barcelona has made an impressive career this year it must have been “La Caseta del Migdia“. Even without being in Barcelona, you could hear the talk about it all over Europe. Also Bread and Butter had the final celebration in that amazing place on Montjuic. Situated on the south corner of the Montjuic Castell, you have a great view over the harbour on one side and over the city to the other. It is open air, they serve fine food and good drinks and DJs spin chilly rare grooves while you contemplate the Mediterranean.

You can get there, taking the 55 bus and walk upwards to the castle, In summer, on weekend evenings it used to be open until 2am, now I assume they close a little earlier. Here is another little article about La Caseta del Migdia

Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe PR / Organisationskommunikation der DG PuK

Friday and Saturday I attended the Jahrestagung (annual summit) of the German scientist community for organizational communication. It was not only nice to meet Thomas Pleil and Ansgar Zerfaß again and to listen some very interesting insights about the professional world of organizational communication like Vodafone, EADS or Scholz & Friends but also good to realize that I could follow most of the speeches pretty much – after all, we had the most advanced scientists on that subject gathered here. And I was delighted to see, that the vibe amongst all these scientists and professionals was very relaxed and folksy. In the end we (I comprise myself here) do not only like to talk much, but also: to listen.

Celebrate into the reunification day

Is reunification the opposite of independence? Is unification a hidden calling for sexual action? Everybody come together and unite! Ok then, let’s check out some public places for uniting and celebrating into the 3rd of October, our beloved national holiday.

At Cookies Phonique plays some records so at least the music will be ok. The people will be especially ok at PartyArty in 103 (creative, unconventional, entertaining), Zementgarten will be open tonight, for free, but the best party I guess will be beneath Schlossplatz across from Palast der Republik, between Karl-Liebknechtstr. and Rathausstr: PALACE RESISTANCE vs. FREAK CAMP @ Katakomben Schlossfreiheit.
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