Shir Khan’s XlR8 mix

DJ Shir KhanMany, many tracks did he put together this time. My man Shir Khan managed to find some time for a superb dj mix for the XLR8 podcast series. Quite an output for a man who not only plays shows like a maniac, but also runs the Blog Berlin Battery with lots of exclusive Mp3s and hosts a weekly radio show, “Soundgarden” on Fritz.

The tracklist is exquisite, Shir Khan features almost 80 songs with tracks by Diskokaine, Tomboy, Adamski, Sirius Mo, Plasticman, Malente, Egoexpress, Surkin and many others.

Check out the tracklist for part 1 and listen to it here:

Check out the part 2 and listen to it here:

Gesellschaftliche Gründe für die Flucht in virtuelle Welten

Gestern hatte ich die Ehre, auf dem Virtual Worlds Camp einen Vortrag über “Gesellschaftliche Gründe für die Flucht in virtuelle Welten” zu halten. Nach einigen Anfangsschwierigkeiten stürzte ich mich voll in die Soziologie der Regeln und Sanktionen, der sozialen Anerkennung und Identifikation und hatte am Ende eine zwar nicht perfekte, aber immerhin so anregende Präsentation beisammen, dass sich eine äußerst lebhafte Diskussion entwickeln konnte. Danke an alle Teilnehmer, hier finden sich die Folien via Slideshare.

Tomorrow: Virtual Worlds Camp @Frogster IP

Tomorrow I’ll be talking about virtual worlds and social reasons for escaping into them at the Virtual worlds camp. The camp will take place at Frogster IP, in Hardenbergstraße 9a, Berlin, from 11.00h to 16:00h. I’m talking at 14:15, you can watch the whole conference on Hobnox.

Beside me, there will be other experts, like Computec Media AG CEO Johannes Sevket Gözalan, Sunny Park from Frogster Korea or Mirko Caspar from Metaversum, talking about virtual worlds, gaming in general, promotion and business models within that area.

There will be a party at night, too, where I’ll be djing at a secret place you will have to find out by asking the sausage seller at Choriner Str, corner to Schönhauser Alle. You can register for the event at amiando.

Pimpin’ aint easy – from Hong Kong to Berlin

pimpinainteasyNow this is a great story. Here’s a kid, from a German small town, Göttingen. He becomes a dj and is obessed with training with the decks. He gets really good, becomes a champion. Plays all over Germany, Europe, US. Goes on a tour to Asia – and stays there, playing regularly at parties in Hong Kong.

His name is Kid Fresh and I already wrote about him. Looking at the pictures on the partyblog accompanying the “Pimpin’ ain’t easy” parties in Hong Kong, he deals with a very fancy party crowd there.

Tonight he’ll be playing at Scala, Friedrichstr. Pimpin’ ain’t easy? In Kid Fresh’s case, this might be untrue.

Here is his Winter in Shang Hai Mix via Palmsout Sounds

And here’s his Micromegamix on Zshare

Wordle – Beautiful word clouds

obama_mccain_acceptancespeec_wordle“Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like..”

I discovered Wordle in a Twitter-tweet by Steve Rubel where he compared Obama’s and McCain’s acceptance speeches with the help of this text analysis tool. It’s very open to interpretation indeed but somehow pretty and illustrative.

I compared two speeches of Müntefering and Merkel, the one Müntefering held at the Parteitag in Hamburg and one Merkel held to celebrate the Soziale Marktwirtschaft. They were surprisingly similar. A very interesting fact is that both use the word “müssen” a lot. Maybe German politicians should think about putting their messages into sentences with more “können”.

You can see Müntefering’s speech on the left side (obviously, Merkel wouldn’t say “Genossen”) and Merkel’s on the right side.

Large Hadron Collider Rap

So, this blog is about Music, Lifestyle and science, right? Then this video here is perfect to illustrate the idea: It’s great entertainment, it’s music, it’s very illustrative, it’s about what a hadron collider does in the form of a rap.

The people of CERN (European Nuclear Research Center) who run the big 17mile long atom smasher called Large Hadron Collider in between France and Switzerland made a very cool video about what they are doing and kind of questions their research adresses:

103 closing, DJ Wool and other dates for this WE

gangsterpicnick3There is a big club dying and summer goodbye saying this weekend in Berlin. 103 Club is closing tonight, the Fire club as well, Ritter Butzke ends the summerseason with Grindcore, Teichmann und Dohse and we have the open air finishing with Karneval der Verpeilten on sunday. Check all the dates on Stylewalker’s party list.

On saturday, DJ Wool (another NYC pal in Berlin) celebrates his Gangsters & Models release on pale records at Picknick (see flyer above). If have been offered some download links for this nice piece of eurotrashy, ravy music including many remixes. Thanks, Glen, and I’m glad you like my blog!

The Star of East Berlin (Original)
The Star of East Berlin (Rampa Mix)
The Star of East Berlin (All Dom Wrong Mix)
The Star of East Berlin (Mike Dextro Mix)
Gangsters & Models ( Cobra Krames Start The Violence!!! Mix)

Karneval der Verpeilten 2008

Karneval der Verpeilten PlakatI am getting lots of hits from people looking for “Karneval der Verpeilten 2008”. This year, this classical open air (for the tenth time!) will NOT take place at the Planetarium but behind the Hauptbahnhof, at Moabiter Werder on sunday, 08 September, 12-22 h – here is a map.

Bar25 and Bachstelzen Line up:
Witwe Bolte aka Christin & Ultraviolettnana & Mr. Mostash – live
david doradepilocka krach – live
Man of tomorrow – live/dj
one:shot:orchestra – live
gianni vitiello
sven dohse
the dose – live
philip b

Danny Sangra Opening

Danny SangraDanny Sangra is a true working pop artist. Flashy colours, poppy motivs and detailed painting are his trademarks. The London painter also successfully designs clothes, bars and hotels. He also designed T-Shirts for Levi’s and now Levi’s Berlin booked him to redesign the white walls of its Flagship store in Kurfürstendamm 237.

Tomorrow (Sep04) there will be an opening, starts 20:30h, Peaches will be djing, I guess a bunch of marketing, design and otherwise scenish people will show up but if you look arty enough you have the chance to sneak in and grab some free beer.

See him painting after the click
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Iphone wordpress app test

Just a test of the iPhone wordpress app – still iphone word recommendation is really a pain but that’s not the (the=thw- wtf?!) fault of the app..

Took a picture but I guess it means work to adjust it nicely to the design. We’ll see..

Next task: Disable this autocorrect thing.