Tonight: XooooX at Cc-Gallery

xoooox_street_action_berlin_3I had the chance to buy one of his pictures and I didn’t, now I really regret that. XooooX has a very memorable style, silhouettes of girls thinking about something. Most of the time they just think “XooooX”.

The Berlin street artist will not be present tonight when Circleculture gallery opens another streetart exhibtion, pushing the subversive power of free art in public places to another level. But many others will, so come around, 7pm!

Scuba in the mix

scubaOh my god. Did I ever have such a physical experience of sound? Just by the pure power of bass? Did I ever see people rave to such crude beats, only driven by the sheer massiveness from the incredible sound system?

Substance at Berghain was amazing – we waited for almost two hours to get in but it was worth every minute (Anyway, I like standing in line, it kind of hypes up the whole atmosphere and everybody is happy, once they are in).

Already in the ground floor, before walking up the stairs of Berghain, the walls where shaking. We literally jumped up the steps and minutes later stood right next to the DJ. The crowd was shaking from the soundscapes and booming basslines and especially when compared to Panorama bar’s (Kompakt crew played the typical club sound) ever-so-familiar bom-bom-bom one realized what a revolutionary concept in club music dubstep really is.

Directly, I looked for more dj mixes and found an excellent dark and complex-drummy banger by Scuba, dj and founder of London based label Hotflush recordings via Real Vinylz
Scuba N16 mix:
More downloads from Hotflush.

Berlin Calling Trailer

Berlin Calling is a film by Hannes Stöhr (e.g. director of “Berlin is in Germany“, “One day in Europe“) featuring Paul Kalkbrenner and many other musicians from the network of Berlin techno label Bpitch Control.

Sunday (yesterday), the trailer celebrated its world premiere on Myspace -already, almost 10 000 watched the very emotional ride between party, excess, despair and paranoia. In the movie, Kalkbrenner stars DJ Ickarus who travels the world djing and is about to release his second album – like the Ikarus from Greek mythology he raises a little to high.. The movie comes to the theatres on october 2nd.

Berlin Calling – Offizieller Trailer zum Film

This weekend: Videoakt, Substance, Mediaspree

This weekend in Berlin will see art, music, politics and overall a mashup of all: Friday night will see Substance, the biggest Dubstep party on the European continent so far, at Berghain, there is the big art festival Videoakt on friday and saturday where Stylewalker’s going to spin, and on sunday people living in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg have the chance to cast their votes for or against the urban development project Mediaspree.
Continue reading

Tom14 – streetartist Barcelona interview

I was pointed out to a really great interview, done by Pretty Cool People Interviews. Tom takes us along Barcelona, shows some sites and pieces and alongway talks about his philosophy. It’s a good feeling to understand how little, pretty things can and should make a difference in a often harsh urban world.

Tom14, “born in Brazil and based in Barcelona”, who “is a street artist in more than one way. He works on the streets, sometimes literally on the surface of the road, but besides this, his work is also deals with the rights on the street. It’s all about reclaiming the streets from real estate investors who make large profits from urban planning projects and do nothing about improving the situation for the local people.”

Check it out: Tom 14, Barcelona street artist interview

Interaktives Musikvideo von K.I.Z.

Es steht ein Haus in Neuruppin und es sieht ziemlich düster aus. Dreckiges Linoleum, Hängelampe und den elektrischen Bratenschneider auf dem Tisch. Drin sitzen K.I.Z und rappen über Mordfantasien. Man kann das Haus mit Mouseclicks durchlaufen und Schrecklichkeiten entdecken.

Produziert wurde dieses interaktive Musikvideo von der Webproduktionsschmiede Kubikfoto, die noch einige andere tolle Projekte im Netz haben, die sich mit klickbaren Foto- Videowelten beschäftigen – oft mit einem schön morbiden Touch.

KIZ – ein Haus in Neuruppin

Wordcup in a nutshell

Wordcup is one of Germany’s oldest and most respected hiphop shows. It started in 1996 on the tv channel VIVA but was taken off air in 1996 when VIVA turned into a random music clip and teenie show channel. Wordcup always tried to dig deep into the German rap scene, featured unknown artists, went to jams and concerts and visited musicians in their studios.
Now, Wordcup is back – Hobnox features the hiphop show and wordcup is as fresh as it has always been: Interesting interviews, concerts, famous and notsofamous artists, great editing and cool filming. Watch trailers and read news in this Wordcup (blog me)SITE and if you like it, embed into your blog or Myspace!

13th of july: Bürgerentscheid Mediaspree

A little animation about the future with Mediaspree by Pappsatt
Kiki Blofeld – gone. Oststrand – gone. Bar25 – gone. Yaam – gone. Maria am Ufer – gone. All of these cultural pearls along the river in Berlin will be gone in very short time, should the plans of “Mediaspree” become reality.

183 000 Friedrichshain-Kreuzbergers can cast their vote concerning these plans of a big urban development project along the river Spree on July 13th. The project “Mediaspree” plans to build offices and buildings within the next years and is going to invest more than 2 billion Euro. The cost would be the loss of a lot of public urban space.

Urban development is a good thing, in this case though, many people fear to be left without being asked. All what is special about Berlin, the little, independent, free and creative places, the bars and clubs at the river, I would even go as far to say, the creativity itself, is in danger here. The intitiative with the martial name “Mediaspree versenken” demands no more than to leave a space of at least 50 meters between the river and the new houses, space to be used for all Berliners and all who come here. You can vote for this demand on July13th if you live in Friedrichshain or Kreuzberg – tell your friends!

The Pity Party wants my blog love

the pity party Elk coverAnd here, they have it. I received such a charming mail PLUS, I really did like the music of this Californian duo. Check them out at their Myspace. The singer has red hair and they have a lot of nice self designed covers: “There are six different covers. They are $5 each plus shipping. You want one.”

The music is something in between the Raveonettes and Broadcast, a little noisy, a little trashy and a little longing with nice melodies hiding between the strange chords. Download their supersong “Lovelies”:
Direct Download