Why Own It?

Here is a new startup I like: Whyown.it. The name is pretty descriptive since it is about collaborative consumption. It’s an app where people catalogue what they own and would be willing to lend. You connect your friend lists from Facebook and can find out what you can borrow from your friends. Simply idea, neatly done, I could take a look at the preview. I think sharing more physical stuff is a way of living more efficiently and resource friendly and a little step into solving the world’s problem of excessive consumption. Respect and all the best to Phillip and his crew.

Testing the Quote.fm embed

Nice, now quote.fm which becomes ever more important to me for finding interesting texts gets an embed feature. This will replace the “quote”-Style in blogs and make discussions about texts across platforms easier to collect and follow.

Here is a fun one (in German):

This one is more serious in my opinion. The position of the German pirate party towards authors and copyright (at least the position of one of his most popular members Christoper Lauer:

Why the bike lane is not always the safest place

A guy gets fined for not riding his bike on the bike lane and shows us in the video why it is actually dangerous to ride on the bike lane. I feel with that guy. Not only have I been fined by police once for that (at 4am, in Göttingen, on a totally empty street, 80 EUR!!!) I also happen to have had some bike accidents, including one where I was mislead (yes, mislead, not drunk or something, mislead!) by arrows on the street directing me directly into a metal barrier which was grey and thus hard to distinguish from the dark night. So I crashed into it and had my left hand stitched afterwards and wearing a cast for three weeks. So I feel with that guy, watch what happens when you take the bike lane.


Jetzt wird gerätselt! Gesucht wird ein Bild in den Weiten des Internets. Jeden Tag erscheint dazu in einem anderen Blog ein Beitrag mit einem Hinweis. Hier geht’s zur Übersicht mit allen bisherigen Hinweisen. So wissen wir also schonmal, dass eine Person mit Zigarre und ein findiger Bursche involviert sind.

Und hier ist der Hinweis für heute:

“Es ist nicht der Opa von Sven Väth”

Ich habe mir jetzt fast alle Hinweise durchgelesen und ich muss sagen, ich habe eine leise Ahnung. Aber noch zu leise, um mich hier zu einem Versuch hinreißen zu lassen. Schönes Spiel, viel Spaß beim Raten!

Augmented Reality concert on a snack bag

Doritos teamed up with several agencies (e.g. Mekanism and Proto) and Blink182 to present a concert on a snacks bag. In fall 2009, on www.doritoslatenight.com you could hold a marker printed on a Doritos bag into the webcam connected to a flash app that would recognize that code and put a concert video by Blink182 filmed in a green screen room into the virtual space. You could than turn the bag and thus control the perspective of the video. Great brand transfer and well done technology of “musicians in your palm”.

Here is an example, find the making of video from a more detailed Wired article further down.

likemind Berlin april 09

Likemind is a loose group aof people meeting up to enjoy coffee and conversation at an unusual time. Every third friday of a month, at 9 am, people meet and enjoy a sponsored coffee, talking about personal and project stuff, web-related and non-web-related.

It started in NYC, founded by Piers and Noah and soon spread all over the world. Hendrik Berggren started likemind Berlin and now Peter and I have taken over to organize while Hendrik is back in Sweden.

likemind Berlin takes place at St. Oberholz, next will be april 17th. This next likemind is sponsored by tape.tv: Watching music: tape.tv is internet music television. tape.tv offers you a nonstop music video stream with premium content, directly from the labels.

Come around and join us, find the event on Facebook and join our Facebook likemind Berlin group.

Fashionweek Berlin 09 Rückblick

fashionweekberlin09_iekelinestangeAls normaler Hauptstadtbewohner merkt man es kaum, höchstens wenn einmal ein schön gebrandeter Shuttle-Mercedes vorbei fährt oder der Mitbewohner mit prall gefüllten Taschen von der Bernhard Willem Show im Postbahnhof zurück kommt: Die Fashionweek war die letzten Tage in vollem Gang und neigt sich heute ihrem Ende zu. Zeit für einen kleinen Rückblick. (Bild von m.ariii)
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