Picture from lastnightsparty.com
So, you like the Berlin style, the groove, the noisy, excessive party? The wall-chique, the fabrics, the industrial meets prosecco scene? The slim jeans, the checked shirts, the sunglasses that are needed to cover worn faces from the morning sun? The guestlists, the sorry-today-only-invited parties, the secrets, the word of mouth hints to illegal places?
Yes, I know you do, that’s why you read Stylewalker. So now you can be part of such a thing, I am giving away 2 tickets for an exclusive party with some pumping music. The only thing you have to do is find out which party I am talking about!
This party is actually not so secret so it is possible to find out. And here are some hints:
1st it will take place july 2nd
2nd it is a party sponsored by a clothing brand
3rd friends of mine organize a blogger reachout so they asked me to give away tickets
4th you probably find out googeling some keywords because of 3rd
Go hunt!
First comment with the right answer wins.