Diesel got hijacked and gets blackmailed by two models

I always liked the edgy and provocative advertising ideas of Diesel (The current slogan e.g. is “Ready for global warming” -sic ).

This one’s not bad either, here’s the story: Two girls who want to be supermodels hijacked the diesel page, kidnapped a Diesel sales guy, stole the underwear collection and are now blackmailing Diesel to make them the two protagonist models of their next campaign. They also want to be Diesel renamed to “Heidies”..

Now, they communicate with their fans via the site, e.g. let them vote what should happen with the kidnapped guy. Despite the fact that he gets his legs waxed, his situation is not too uncomfortable really..

Up, Bustle & Out – Mexican Session – Day at the bookies

This mp3 made my day. Easy, dubby, sublimely powerful, just right to start a tough week.
It’s from Up, Bustle & Out’s 8th album Mexican sessions and I found it on the cool dubsite Collision aka dub-music.de.

(Noch was zum Thema Befindlichkeitsbloggen, einfach nur weil ich den Spruch so nett finde: Wenn man das “Bei mir bitte nicht mehr” des Kassierers persönlich nimmt, hat man definitiv einen sensiblen Tag.. )

Going out this weekend in Berlin: Revolution und Caffeine

Caffeine BerlinSo, was geht ab dieses Wochenende in Berlin? Hier ein paar heiße Tips, stylewalker-approved.

Freitag (also heute)
feiern die Barfussleute in im Auditorium U5 mit touane – live [persona rec.], dirty doering, [aycb/ mind the crap] und anarki [barfuss] ab 23h. Ein Laden, den ich mir genauso gerne mal anschauen wollte wie das Raumklang (ebenfalls Fhain)
Sonst kann man auch gerne der Stella mal einen Besuch abstatten, heute abend.

Wird es voll im Festsaal Kreuzberg, wenn Jahcoozi, Sick Girls, Gäste aus East-London (yeah) und u.a. Teens of Thailand ihre Revolution No.5 Party abfackeln. Skalitzerstr. 130, ab 24h mehr Info bei Voco-Me

Die ::: electro ::: minmal ::: techhouse ::: Alternative läuft im Lutz Friedrich am Mauerpark und ist eine Kooperation von ZMF, Interact, Fettton, Klangsucht und Wir sind Park
(klick weiter für mehr Samstag und Sonntag!) Continue reading

German swearwords

For those of you who enjoy a little wordplay from time to time and are fascinated by German zusammengesetzte Hauptwörter (Mark Twain loved them too, read his masterpiece “The awful German language“) here’s a little thought:

German composed swear words don’t sound so mean anymore if you just interchange the two main vocals, actually, they sound quite cute.
Some examples.
Schwunzlatscher – Pessnilke – Sickgesacht (haha, reminds me of Bastian Sick) and Flichwachser. Hey, here’s one that get’s even stronger: Wurmdascher!

Saidly enough, it doesn’t work with Flachzange, Vollpfosten or Kackbratze.
Any more creative ideas here?

Tobias Thomas (Kompakt) in the mix

Tobias ThomasKompakt is the label that even more than all other great ones (like Karaoke Kalk, Substatic or Treibstoff) built the “minimal-fame of Cologne”, also with their big distribution network they smartly built over the last years. I personally don’t own any Kompakt records but their DJs sure deserve the popularity. One of its protagonists is Tobias Thomas who is also a music theorist (or journalist) for German pop magazine SPEX.

He plays regularly in Berlin’s Panorama bar and has gigs all over the world. In his mixes he is not so minimal at all, but has a nice feel for some pop, elegiac and hands up moments. Enjoy the following mix (which is not always tight and perfect but very warmhearted and with the real club feeling to it) which was recorded at Kiosk Club in Lille in 2006 and is kindly hosted by Dviason.


I found this mix via the highly remarkable Dj mixes collection Drogensumpf aka <3 Electro – an almost too overwhelming amount of DJ mixes.

Berlinale Talent Campus and Scientology in Berlin

Click Clack ClackI wrote an article about Scientology on Potsdamer Platz for Hauptstadtblog which has been linked to from different sites and has some nice comments on.

On Berlinale, I visited the Talent Campus and saw the movies that have been produced within the last four days. An exciting and very succesful experiment: Directors, writers, actors, cinematographers, editors and so on organized the projects almost entirely over the internet, you can read their public discussions on the projects site. They come from all over the world, finally met at Berlinale and each team had only one day in the Garage studio to produce a short movie. Be sure to check out my favourite “Click-Clack-Clack” and read the whole story (in German) on the Berlinaleblog.

Unsigned Myspace hype: Pictures of Shanghai

Pictures of ShanghaiJust the other day I listened to one of my favourite albums: Solarscape and Starmarket. Indiemusic, but intense and somtimes complicated, a little melancholic, but not naive, full of power and surprises. And I thought, too bad, it’s been long that I didn’t find music like this.
Now, “Pictures of Shanghai” wanted to add me on Myspace and seriously, I am a little annoyed by the mass of bad music and disturbing mass bulletings á la “new mp3 online!” that I stopped adding bands. But listening to them made me feel like the other day when I turned the volume up and had the perfect rainy but angry weather soundtrack. Please check out Pictures of Shanghai and if you have a label, sign them, they are going to be succesful.


Beatport, probably the world’s leading online store for club and electronic music has developed a great tool: The Beatportplayer which generates a code you can put into websites to play track snippets according to certain criteria.

Here’s an example for the recently issued tunes in the deep-house genre. Nice toy and great viral marketing, just like De:bug states.

Go to Beatport.com Get These Tracks Add This Player