Die Claus Weselsky Maske

Er verbreitet Angst und Schrecken unter den Bahnfahrern. Den Zeitpunkt zu Halloween hätte er sich kaum besser aussuchen können: nicht Zombies, Monster oder andere Ungeheuer werden am 31. Oktober ihr Unwesen treiben, sondern tausende Claus Weselskys.

Du kannst einer von ihnen sein. Werde Claus! Mit dieser Maske.
1. Download als PDF.
2. Drucken
3. An den gestrichelten Linien ausschneiden und ein Gummiband durch die Löcher an der Seite ziehen


Conturbanaries Festival II

It’s the second time, so it’s a regular event now. Berlin’s fair for contemporary urban art “Conturbanaries” opens its gates this thursday (18th sept) again, this time at Stattbad Wedding. They found an interesting niche which they explore with a surprising diversity.

AntonUnaiBooth4 (Picture: Anton Unai for Open Gallery)

Several international galleries present their artists in different booths like Fly Auctions, Filter, Box 32, Le Grand Jeu (Paris) or Haus 75 (Munich) or Pretty Portal (Düsseldorf).

It’s more a festival than a fair, so expect films, discussions, live paintings, drinks and food and of course parties with music.

Those who can’t make it to the fair can take a look at www.arty-shop.net, a recently launched online shop for urban contemporary art by the gallery Schau Fenster which will also be present at the fair. Schau Fenster is done by Yaneq who has been featured many times on this blog, so this how all comes together.

Enjoy some more pictures and see you at Conturbanaries!

DD2 (Doppeldenk for Open Gallery)

FinDAC-Tanana (FinDAC for Pretty Portal)

Galerie-Filter-Gabriel-Anastassios-EXSTASI-AMPELMANN (Gabriel Anastassios for Galerie Filter)

Post Digital birds shirts

newsletter-muybridge iiii

With 3D printers, hi tech materials and the digitalization of all aspects of life, a great field for artists emerged and is opening up more with every new technology. And here, we’ll see the need for art also as a catalyst for the possible. Now, that we have all these unlimited options, what are we supposed to do with it?

“Out of Hand – Materializing the Postdigital” is the name of an exhibition opening in New York next wednesday, october 17th at the MAD museum. The bird shirts showed above are one part of it, made by the collective “T-Shirt Issue”. I wish I could go and see the rest. Anybody buy me a ticket to New York please?

Conturbanaries Opening Party

970410_458115057635308_1544835530_nOn thursday CONTURBANARIES starts, a festival for contemporary and fine arts. I will play at the opening party, before and after the highly respected Pitchtuner. Expect an inspiring mix of art, performance and music in an exciting and rough location, at Revaler Str.99.

Running order

Top floor
22.00 CHURCH OF FUNK (top floor)

0:00 Mutfak Drt
0:30 Stylewalker
1:00 Pitchtuner
1:40 Stylewalker

I am excited and look forward to seeing you there!

Sirius Mo & MC Ramon: Itchy / Cornerboy

Sirius Mo MC Ramon Itchy Cornerboy

This is one of the best music videos so far this year and one of the coolest ever, so it needs to be on Stylewalker.net. Being a huge Sirius Mo fan myself, I was happy to know he is releasing a new album on Monkeytown. This is his first signal and it’s a perfect fit.

We see Roman Geike aka MC Ramon aka Romano as a starring character, playing: himself. Roman is an entertainer by heart, be it as a rapping “cornerboy” or be it as German chansonnier (“Schlagerstar”) as you see in this video – he always takes it very seriously. This enthusiasm is infecting. In the video Ramon is walking the streets of Berlin, dancing in a washing saloon and visiting people in their gardens: everybody falls for his charme.

The video is also about Moritz’ aka Sirius Mo’s home, Berlin-Friedrichshagen (I think!), close to the lake Müggelsee. It’s a great contrast, the home turf and the rapper who used to be a Schlagerstar and the fusion electronic music which can easily appeal to anybody who is into grooves and melodies.

Enjoy “Itchy / Cornerboy”:

Ein Fotobuch für mehr sauberes Wasser

Blattkunst Viva Con Agua“Licht ins Dunkel” ist ja immer eine schöne Metapher für alle möglichen karitativen Anlässe. In diesem Fall ist der Spruch aber gut gewählt, denn es geht um ein Fotoprojekt, das mit Porträts in der Dunkelheit arbeitet. Die Meta-Ebene ist eins der größten Probleme der Welt: Sauberes Wasser.


Dahinter stecken der Fotokünstler Kai Effinger und die Organisation Viva Con Agua, die zusammen ein Fotobuch und eine Ausstellung mit den oben beschriebenen Porträts machen wollen. Die Erlöse aus dem Verkauf sollen Wasserprojekte fließen. Außerdem dabei sind eine Reihe Künstler, wie die Orsons, Samy Deluxes Tsunami Band oder Ganjaman, die sich alle schon fotografieren ließen.


Das Projekt ist ein Crowdfunding-Projekt, das man auf Startnext unterstützen kann um das Buch zur Veröffentlichung zu bringen. Ich finde die Bilder klasse und auch die Idee, ich bin dabei, ihr auch?

Hier ist ein Introfilm:

Danke an Jens von Urban Tree für den Tipp und das schöne Video!

Great video, great DJ premier sound

Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-12 um 11.29.49

You know it’s a DJ Premier song after two bars. Here is another great track he produced for Joey Bada$$ and it just sounds as oldschooly and warm as we love it. Bada$$ has a great, laid back, hypnotic way to rap like Nas in his good times. Now add some superb video artists to make an outstanding visual representation and a new classic is born. Enjoy “Unorthodox”:

Joey Bada$$ – “Unorthodox” (Produced by DJ Premier) from GreenLabelSound on Vimeo.

MR-808: When digital goes analog and back

How cool is that?! Here is a “real” drum machine inspired by the legendary TR-808. A “drum robot” which consists of a complete drum set built in a big box, with each instrument being triggered by Midi. So, what started to be the first digital drum becomes analog and goes back in the digital loop. Hard to understand? Watch this video.

MR-808 – mechanic drum robot from Sonic Robots on Vimeo.

Moritz Simon Geist who built this says “… we are the first ones to transfer the electronic sounds of the most influential electronic drum computer TR-808 into the real world and make it highly playable for a musician! The idea behind the installation is to highlight the origin of the sounds in a way no conventional media of electronic music production is usually able to… We mainly used motors and solenoids as actuators, which are triggered by a power electronic device and an Arduino. The musical control is realized with MIDI, the latency and the lighting control system are implemented in MAX / MSP.”

Find out more about the background and its nerdy technical features

But that’s not all! There is also a band, “Science Fiction Children” who sound a bit like The Rapture or Bodi Bill, check out their hit “Rise of the toys”

Rise of the Toys – Science Fiction Children from david campesino on Vimeo.