.. that would fit on a CD just to make it a little complicated. So, here it is, my end-of-the-year-collection. Thanks to all the friends, blogs and magazines that give me so much inspiration!
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Monthly Archives: December 2008
My favourite Xmas Dubstep mix by Shiva
I would like to recommend this brilliant mix to everyone who.. yeah, well, to everyone! Because it takes the Dubstep thing in such a soulful and smooth way, taking so many different paths, showing so many facets of music which is funky, breaky, dancy, pushy, longing, hands-up, wobbly.. It’s 2Step, it’s dubstep, it’s even a little Goa.. And I am listening to it like the 5th time in a row, so it can’t be bad, really. Enjoy Shiva from (yes) Indianapolis in a mix from a local club, found via @dubstep on Surfacetensionrec.
Weihnachtsbasare: Trikots- und Vinyls für Musik und Kinder
Heute (20:00h) versteigert Pablo Thiam, Ex-Bundesliga-Spieler und nunmehr rechte Hand von Felix Magath beim Vfl Wolfsburg, in der FC Magnet Bar (Veteranenstrasse 26), alle seine Tauschtrikots, die ihm während seiner aktiven Zeit von anderen BL-Spielern überreicht wurden. Die Versteigerung findet in berlin-mitte statt ab 20.00, alle Erlöse gehen an die Arche. e.v.
Außerdem werden heute von 13:00 bis 18:00h Berliner DJs und Musik-Labels Alben, Singles sowie limitierte und signierte Geschenke beim Weihnachtsbasar im 4010 Store anbieten. Alle Stücke werden zum symbolischen Preis von 1,- Euro verkauft, der Erlös geht an die Stiftung „Musik Hilft“ .
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Dub-step into the snow
Not only because of the impressive pictures (click the movie to view the HD version on YouTube!) but also because of the nice sounds by PantyRaid (song is called “Like That”) this is a great video. Enjoy some super slomo-, helicopter-, powder-, the world-is-ok-we-still-have-snow-action.
[found via Pointkilla]
Nightlife snapshots update
Many visitors liked my links to Nightlife Snapshot fotography, like Lastnightsparty or Dirty, Dirty Dancing.
Thanks to Max, I can point out some new destinations for all of you who love the air of the night and the excesses of party put into flashy pictures full of desire, let-loose and provocation.
So, here we go to Ambrel.net by Nikola Tamindcic who also runs Homeofthevain,
Glamcanyon by Katja Hentschel from London who does street fashion and party fotography and DrivenbyBoredom by Nate Smith aka Igor from NYC.
Groove into the weekend
With Jazzanova (“I can See – Garnica Deep Mix”) and the Stylewalker Calendar
Jawbone Headset Campaign
Last week, I got a package via mail which looked quite interesting, sent to me by K-MB, a brand consultancy from Berlin.
Opening it, I found two cans connected by a thread just like one of those tin can telephones kids connect their rooms over the street with. Also, a Noise Conspiracy cd and a nice handwritten letter, inviting me to either a Babyshambles or a Noise Conspiracy concert.
Since Babyshambles are cancelled (what a surprise..) I guess, I’ll go for Noise Conspiracy on January 19th.
Opening the cans, I found one of them filled with earplugs and other stuff which turned out to be a bluetooth headset, namely a Jawbone.
I am not only impressed by the effort of this campaign; which also got coverage on other blogs like Lumma.de or blog.telefon.de but also by the product.
It looks nice, the descriptions are comprehensive. It connected easily and fast with the iphone, I just managed the first phonecall with it and the speech quality is good and everything works well. Besides, it comes with a charging unit and several eargear in different sizes.
Good product, good idea.
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