In case you wonder where I am – probably here:
No mails. No Twitter. No Facebook. No internet.
In case you wonder where I am – probably here:
No mails. No Twitter. No Facebook. No internet.
Als normaler Hauptstadtbewohner merkt man es kaum, höchstens wenn einmal ein schön gebrandeter Shuttle-Mercedes vorbei fährt oder der Mitbewohner mit prall gefüllten Taschen von der Bernhard Willem Show im Postbahnhof zurück kommt: Die Fashionweek war die letzten Tage in vollem Gang und neigt sich heute ihrem Ende zu. Zeit für einen kleinen Rückblick. (Bild von m.ariii)
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Update: Google Adsense just accepted Stylewalker for Adsense
“Hallo Thomas, danke für Ihre E-Mail. Continue reading
Boy, today and tomorrow and then printing at night and handing the bastard in on Friday. My master thesis: “On the contribution of weblogs to the constitution of organizational identity” – wow, I still think it’s cool, but I hadn’t imagined how hard it is to write about weblogs although I assumed to know so much about it already. Anyway, excuse the silence, expect to read it here, if you are interested (in German) and wish me luck and thank you!! (Now, a short sort of nerv-wrecked crying). —
It’s just an experiment, tell me what you think! I think this theme is pretty stylish, although, I know, looks a lot like A list apart, which is awesome as well. So, what do you think: Is it worth putting in some effort to stylewalkerize this theme?
Make the picture embedding look better, do something about the header image, maybe use the third column for more fotos or widgets?..
I really need something new, I like my old style a lot, but things need to change.
Oh my, I don’t know how this happened, but Stylewalker got his own channel on Hype machine. Cool. So this site is now officially one of the best music blogs! (still long tail, I know..)
Wow, so many plans and no time to realize it all. So, note to self: Do it, lazy boy!
And: A great mix at Miss Glitter – Bastard Cutz on bastard rec.
Comments about the propositions are open and welcome. Say something!
It took me some time to figure out how to make the random header plugin work with my wordpress pool theme. Now I got it! Thx to Valentin and Pit also! You can now enjoy a new shiny header (the one on top) picture with every reload which also symbolizes Stylewalker being in Berlin now. What do you think? Does it work properly on your screen? Especially Safari and Mac IE users, tell me please!
10 000! I am blogging since february 2005, counting my visits since last september and now I have had 10 000 visits! A good moment to do some identity work and look back to an exciting time on the internet. It’s a lot of effort, but lots of fun, always something to talk about and source for some interesting cognitions. Thank you all, approx. 50 people come by daily, which is a really good number for a small blogger, many comment (although I wish, more did..) and Stylewalker is still growing!
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There is a fundamental discrepancy between the architecture of a browser and the way most people use the internet: The history of all browsers works linear, but our behaviour is not. Merely, it is three-dimensional. Software-development should take this into consideration.
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