Best week-end roof event: Best Work’s Sundowner parties

Tomchak, Shir Khan, Ben MonoTomchak, Shir Khan and Ben MonoI already wrote about the week-end roof and that it’s recommended to come early (opens at 7pm, during the week they don’t charge until 10pm or so, during the week-end you’ll be leaving 5€) and bring a jacket. The view is amazing and if you’re lucky, the rest of the people, too.

This is the case when Best Works, Sonar Kollektiv’s (amongst other artists, e.g. Fat Freddys Drop) booking and event agency host their Sundowner Parties – on the roof. I was there last time (one week ago) to see Shir Khan, Ben Mono and Tomchak and had a jolly good time. See some more pictures!
Update: See even more pictures thanks to Ben Mono who send them to me! Continue reading

How was Melt festival 07?

Deichkind Boot Melt 07Picture by LotteLenyaThis is one of the articles I have been working on far too long. Melt’s been over for more than a week but I just had to let this monster out finally. Read about the best and the worst concerts, see the best videos, find the funniest reviews on the net and find out what Goldie did when his records got transported to London instead of Melt festival.

It’s interesting: Two years ago, I was one of a few people who wrote about the Melt! festival and one a few people who posted their festival pictures on Flickr. YouTube didn’t exist back then. Last year, there were tons of pictures and videos. And this year, there are even many, many blog posts about this amazing festival on an extraordinary site, not to forget the Melt-forum which has an impressive way of self organization – one half of the people bitches about prices, the growing size, quality of the music and the other half defends their favorite festival with enthusiasm. So I watched many many videos on YouTube, scanned Flickr and the blogosphere just to get you the best and most relevant material on this year’s issue of one of the greatest festivals on the planet.
Continue reading

Next weekend: Berlin Festival

Berlin FestivalCheck out the Berlin Festival, next weekend at Poststadion, close to Berlin central train station (that big thing out of glass with the incredibly ugly metal horse in front – haven’t seen the horse? Lucky you..). Great bands and DJs around: Tocotronic, Peter, Bjorn & John, Midlake, Erobique, The Films, Pitchtuner, Princess Superstar, Shitdisco, Boss Einstein, Late Of The Pier, MIT, DJ Mehdi, Shir Khan, Peaches, The Go! Team, Datarock, Tele, WhoMadeWho, Uffie & DJ Feadz, 2 Many DJs. [via Hauptstadtblog]

Tomorrow: Boombx#1 – alexanderplatz underground

Boombx Underground Alexanderplatz

Saturday, 21 July, 24:00 – alexanderplatz underground.
bring your own radio – every watt counts. tune into 95.2 FM. you bring your radio/boombox/receiver/xpod … to become part of the sound system! grime, dubstep, µrave and more.

via Grimetime

Check out this massive überdubby, tearprovoquing techdubhopmix:
Amazing.. [via Dubstepforum]

Apparently it was a very cool party, so writes Miss Glitter: Continue reading

Work for Playmusicmagazine

Playmusicmagazine is an awesome online mag about music which has one of the most intriguing user interfaces I have ever seen. Videos, soundfiles, pictures and text just blend into a highly engaging and entertaining mix of multimedia. And the Oslo-based crew have taste in music without letting themselves be constrained by musical genres! And now they need help, that’s why they asked me to pass this job offer on to you, dear readers, to work as editor and contributor for their international online mag. Read Lars Baek’s email after the break. Continue reading

Al Haca EP out

Having come back from Melt! and recovering from some serious partying I apologize for the silence here. I actually have some serious work to do! So while I try to put some internet things into order and catch up with the tons of user comments and blogentries concerning the Melt-festival (which you will have to read later) I can only recommend this masterpiece of a deep, heavy and heady mixtape by Alhaca, celebrating the release of their album “Family business”. (You can nicely listen to and buy their heavy funky urban tracks on finetunes e.g.)
Download Al Haca mixtape “Fightclub”
It features one of my alltime favourite records and actually one of the firsts I ever bought: la funk mob – motor bass get phunked up. Massive!

Politik Digital Blogsprechstunde

Am Dienstag, den 3. 17. Juli (danke, Markus!) bin ich bei der Blogsprechstunde von Politik Digital zu Gast und werde hoffentlich ordentlich ausgequetscht zu allen möglichen Tipps & Tricks zum Bloggen. Hier kann man Fragen stellen und über vorgeschlagene Fragen abstimmen. Ich fände es schön, wenn der eine oder andere Stylewalker-Leser vorbei kommen könnte, um mich mit auszuquetschen (und die eine oder andere Insiderfrage zu stellen..).

Ich bin sicher nicht der profilierteste Experten in all den Spezialthemen zu Design, Programmierung, Plattformen, Widgets, Tools und so weiter, aber zumindest hoffe ich, eine Kernbotschaft weiter geben zu können: Bloggen macht derbe Spaß und man kann unheimlich viel dabei lernen: Über Technik und Design natürlich, aber auch über Menschen, das Internet, übers Schreiben und Argumentieren. Man muss es einfach nur machen. (Zustande kam das Ganze über diesen Workshop, der beiden Seiten glaube ich viel Spaß gemacht hat)

A3000 / Delikat techhouse mix

A3000 Berlin DJGerade über Myspace reinbekommen, ein schön fluffiger, housiger, unaufgeregter Techmix, der mich schön im Hintergrund durch Internetrundgänge, Recherchen und Textarbeit begleitet.

A3000 mixt für Delikat, die ihr Party- und Künstlerimperium weiter ausbauen.

Nach dem Klick gibts einen tollen Film der Delikat-Crew, die eine lange Partynacht von der Vorbereitung bis zum Piercingzungenschlag in wenigen Minuten zusammenfasst.
Continue reading

Bill von Tokio Hotel bei

Eine nette Geschichte, die sich die PR-Firma Euromarcom für die Schüler Community Breakster ausgedacht hat: Bill Kaulitz, Sänger von Tokyo Hotel sei dort angeblich anonym unterwegs, aber an der Stimme erkannt worden! Stimme? Genau, und gleich wurde noch die Nachricht untergebracht, dass Breakster auch kostenloses VoIP zwischen Gruppenmitgliedern ermöglicht.

Schließlich wird noch auf die Betreiberfirma Smeet verlinkt. Dumm nur, dass dafür die Domain verwendet wurde – ein Unternehmen, das Luftreinigungstechnologie herstellt. Nicht grade ein PR-Gau, aber doch ein witziges Versehen.
Update: Inzwischen ist der Link korrigiert.