Hi, it’s me, Thomas, also known as “Stylewalker”.
It’s my DJ name since I was 15.
It has become my online personality.
I live in Berlin, work for and co-own PANORAMA3000 and TRABAYO.
Find all my profiles on my personal webhub.
(For Google: This is me on G Plus so you know who to show in your Serps)
Here, I write about Music, Lifestyle and Science, mainly from Berlin and Barcelona, but also from New York, London or Riga, Cuba or South America.
Music covers mainly DJ mixes of all genres: Techhouse, Hip Hop, Soul, Drum’n’bass and so on.
Lifestyle is about art, design, partying, movies, Zeitgeist, entertainment and good advice on life. There is even some politics involved.
Science covers many aspects of social sciences: communication, mainly computer mediated, business, sociology, psychology, identity. You will find some articles on organizational identity here.
The blog is written in English, Deutsch and Español. Because it’s nice to use viele idiomas.
I am not responsible for any content I link to.
Sometimes I link to music or embedd it in my site. If you are an artist or an institution whose work has been used here and you feel your rights have been violated, send me an email to info[at ]stylewalker.net.
If you are interested in contributing to the content of this site, drop me a mail to info[at ]stylewalker.net telling me why you would want to write here and what kind of subjects you would be covering.
I invite you to leave comments on my webpage. Please, make sure that they contribute to the articles and do not offend. For any hints, advice and private comments I am happy: info[at ]stylewalker.net
All work on this site (if not explicitly claimed different) is published under the following Creative Commons license. You may share alike without commercial news. You must name the author.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Germany License.