Sage Restaurant Opening

Sage Restaurant Opening BerlinAm 22.05. eröffnete das neue Restaurant der Sage Macher, in der Köpenickerstr 18, direkt an der Spree. Großes altes Industriegelände, sehr groß, sehr weitläufig, schön eingerichtet, super Essen. War eine tolle Eröffnung mit sehr vielen Leuten, netter Stimmung und guten Gesprächen. Zum Beispiel traf ich jenen Spirituosenhändler, der dem KDW den teuersten (7000 EUR) Cognac verkauft und außerdem einen pensionierten Filmemacher, der jetzt auf Kho Samui lebt. Von den Freunden mal ganz abgesehen.

Wenn ich da in der Nähe arbeiten würde, käme ich sicher mal mittags oder nach der Arbeit dort vorbei. So wird es für mich wohl die Ausnahme oder der besondere Anlass bleiben, dort hinzugehen.

Hype machine badge

Finally incorporated the Hype machine loved-tracks-badge into the sidebar. Hypemachine is a site which tracks conversations about music in blogs. Music files that blogs link to can be played directly at the site, combined with the comments from blogs, a zeitgeisty engine showing new and hyped tracks makes an incredible pool of new music to discover, especially killer remixes. Users can love tracks to show their, erm, love, and most of all to find them again. A list of the recently loved tracks can be embedded at websites. Which I just did so enjoy some Stylewalker love music. Hype! And here is their radio show featured on Soundcloud:


Samstag wird Tine Papendick ein Testsetup einer Körpervermischungs-Installation im Spielraumschaufenster aufbauen. Ihr könnt euch mit anderen Leute verdrehen, vermischen, überlagern oder auch einfach nur ein Bier mit uns trinken. Keine Party sondern das TO-DO bevor es in die Nacht geht. Das ganze findet statt im Spielraum (Tataaa!).

SAMSTAG, 16.05.2009
ab 21 Uhr
Reichenberger Straße 28
Berlin Kreuzberg

What’s going on with that child porn debate in Germany?

There is an intense discussion in the political German online sphere about centralizing control over access to websites for blocking child abuse content. It started with a campaign by the Minister for family affairs Ursula von der Leyen who urged the telcos to sign an agreement to block DNS access to sites who are identified on lists by the Federal Police office (BKA). The telcos signed it but urged the Minister to pass a proper bill in Parliament.

The position of the conservative politicians is that this is an important step to prevent child abuse content being seen on the internet. The opposing arguments not only by technical experts (read an article by Germany’s leading IT magazine c’t in German) but also by victims of child abuse (read an interview in German with child abuse victim Christian Bahls in German on Zeit Online) are myriad:

First: blocking DNS access to websites neither prevents children from being abused nor does it even delete the content from the servers, it simply puts a curtain in front of it. Experiments by e.g. CareChild (in German) show that all child abuse content that was found on servers in different countries could be deleted within a week by simply telling the hoster. Note the difference: von der Leyen wants to block access while it is possible to take it down completely.

Second: People who consume this kind of content do not find it on websites. They use peer to peer sharing or send CDs for they know it is far too dangerous for them to search on the www. Effective ways to prevent crimes would mean pursuing the criminals with more staff and equipment and trying stop it where it starts: in families.

Furthermore: giving one single institution the power to block websites for a whole country gives this institution very much power. Nobody is allowed to check the lists or even publish them, that would be a crime itself. The bill includes no way for people to get their sites off the list if they believe they got the by accident. Not to talk about the general smell of censorship structures being installed here which could fast also count for copyright protection and finally for any government critical content This last argument I do not understand as grave but rather as an extreme scenario. I think the German democracy and political system will prevent this law being signed in the first place and never will give this much power to one part of the executive system. Hopefully I am not too optimistic, nevertheless it is always important to think about where things could possibly end up in the future.

It is very difficult to discuss this subject. Critics of initiatives like this are accused to attack the fight against child abuse in general. Which is absolutely stupid considering all the possibilities to really do something about it.

Spreeblick posted an interesting and well read conversation about the German plan to implement internet filters by law between Johnny and a reader where the whole story is explained in more details.

Wolfram – Semantic search sneak preview

Die Versprechen des mysteriösen, sich aber immer konkreter abzeichnenden Semantic Web sind groß. Nichts anderes als dass Maschinen tatsächlich verstehen sollen, was man gerade sucht und die Informationen und möglichen Entscheidungen entsprechend aufarbeiten will das semantische Web liefern. Ein Web der Daten, mehr als Daten im Web.

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Ursula von der Leyen Reportage

Viel Show, wenig Konkretes. Das Image der Übermutter bröckelt nicht erst seit Zensursula-Zeiten. Ich konnte sie schon bei dem Märchen-Quiz mit Kindern nicht ertragen, wo ihr Ehrgeiz jeglichen Spaß ihrer Mitspieler erstickte. Im YouTube Film wird die Familienministerin kritisch dabei beobachtet, wie sie Probleme weglächelt, ihre Kabinettskollegen ausspielt, die schwierige Arbeit andere machen lässt und dabei ihre Familie als Ideal inszeniert.

In diesem Kontext findet sich ein toller Artikel über Zensurpolitik beim Tagesspiegel: “Peng, du bist tot” zu Killerspielen und Netzzensur.