Freizeitglauen Benefizparty

FreizeitglaubenOne of Berlin’s best record shops faces hard times, so they asked their friends to celebrate a support party for their shop Freizeitglauben.

Since it is a nice place with enthusiastic people, many big names of Berlin’s DJ scene will show up tonight at Watergate. Admission: 6 charity €. Among the DJs playing tonight will be:

Guido Schneider / pokerflat, Thomas Melchior / perlon, Benjamin Fehr / catenaccio, Sven VT / memo-freizeitglauben, Falko Brocksieper / substatic-karloff, Anja Schneider / mobilee, Oliver Koletzki / cocoon, Mitja Prinz / wmf, Daniel Dreier / highgrade, Jens Bond / highgrade, Sebo K. / mobilee, Todd Bodine / tresor, Housemeister / aycb-bpitch, M.i.a. / substatic LIVE, Burger / freizeitglauben, Phage / Norman Weber (Luna City Express) / moonharbour and many more. Read on for the official invitation of the Freizeitglauben makers about the current situation in the record selling business (in German):
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JoinR and Kitchen Beatbox

JoinR is a new social network which has an intriguing surface, very ajaxy, you can play with boxes and mash up your profile. Let’s see who’ll be hanging out there. Check it out: I, of course am, but have no fancy profile yet.
Note: It’s early beta and obviously aimed at younger people (I feel old).

And here you’ll see UK’s master of the mouthmade beats, Maité, playing around with some kitchenwear and sounds á la “Memphs Soul Stew”.

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Berlinale, Schlämmer, Vanity Fair, Agnes Obel

Berlinale07Wow, only a few posts and already there’s a war around my writing on the Berlinaleblog (Watch more pictures and read the whole story about how I sneaked into the big gala night).

This campaign is maybe the best blog / brand / personality campaign so far in Germany: Schlämmerblog, branded entertainment.

German bloggers are tough on the recently issued German Vanity Fair and critizise the big gap between pretension and reality, some even rip it apart visually.

Check out Agnes Obel on Myspace – beautiful dreamy and elegant music from Kopenhagen.


Den zweiten Artikel habe ich gerade fertig geschrieben, in Form einer kleinen Einleitung und Vorstellung meiner Person als Autor, denn ab jetzt geht es los, Berlin brummt, die Stars fliegen ein, die Tische sind ausgebucht und der Vorverkauf hat begonnen. Die Berlinale ist also am Start, Karten brauch ich ja keine, bekomme ja die Akkreditierung (hoffentlich, noch ist sie nicht da), was auch übrigens die einzige Vergütung ist, die ich bekomme. Ich mach das nur aus Spaß und hoffe, es wird kein Stress. Ich bin gespannt, was ich mit dem Pass alles anstellen kann, und hoffe inständig, dass nicht “Blogger” drauf steht. Wobei, warum eigentlich nicht, is ja so.


I got this hint via an sms, somebody believed having seen a blogpost about the Reactable here and wanted to inform me that this fascinating digital music-interface is in Berlin for Transmediale at M12. Actually, I did not know about this project by the Audiovisual Institute at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona but it is similar to the Multi touch interface I posted some weeks ago. Watch this demonstration and be amazed by the blend of the visual effects and the music controlling capacities.

“The reactable, is a state-of-the-art multi-user electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving physical artefacts on the table surface and constructing different audio topologies in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer or graspable flow-controlled programming language.”

Going out tonight in Berlin

Transmediale by PhotophunkPicture by PhotophunkWhat’s on? Well certainly Transmediale, the big media art festival, the 20th of its kind (well some are a little dissapointed by this years issue, Photophunk has some pictures).

De-bug has the necessary club dates, like Freeform at Weekend or 4 Hero in Café Moskau.

Stellabar celebrates their new party series Dysconnect and

there’s a nice blend of Tango and Techno at Club Rodina (below Jannowitzbrücke) with jörg buntenbach (tango), a guy called gerald, peter nikolai [4augenvögeln], gregor heyden [klangsucht] and demir [pentagonik].

Finally, my friend, superentertainer Yaneq hosts the opening of this years Party Arty sessions at Galerie Tristesse Deluxe on Karl-Marx-Allee 137 (starts 19h)

What is organizational identity and what have blogs to do with this?

Spending my days in the library and reeling in between insight and confusion, I’d just like to use this as a little sketch of what organization identity might be, in science and in practice.


Ever since the ground-breaking article by Albert & Whetten, defining organizational identity as what is central, distinctive and enduring about an organization, a wide range of scholars have emerged, trying to theoretically describe and analyze this field. In their views, organizational identity serves as a cognitive frame for understanding reality, as shared assumptions about the world that lead to collective actions (just like in organizational culture), as a discourse about sense and reality (therefore there can be multiple identities to organizations), as collective claims about the contents of the organization and room for personal identification (e.g. “I am with Boston Consulting now, boy, I’m proud, we are so going to do a good job on this project!” social identity theory).

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