Kompakt is the label that even more than all other great ones (like Karaoke Kalk, Substatic or Treibstoff) built the “minimal-fame of Cologne”, also with their big distribution network they smartly built over the last years. I personally don’t own any Kompakt records but their DJs sure deserve the popularity. One of its protagonists is Tobias Thomas who is also a music theorist (or journalist) for German pop magazine SPEX.
He plays regularly in Berlin’s Panorama bar and has gigs all over the world. In his mixes he is not so minimal at all, but has a nice feel for some pop, elegiac and hands up moments. Enjoy the following mix (which is not always tight and perfect but very warmhearted and with the real club feeling to it) which was recorded at Kiosk Club in Lille in 2006 and is kindly hosted by Dviason.
I found this mix via the highly remarkable Dj mixes collection Drogensumpf aka <3 Electro – an almost too overwhelming amount of DJ mixes.