First Awesome foundation Berlin grant funds a Wilde Schlittenfahrt

Today, the Berlin chapter of the Awesome Foundation (which I am part of) was proud to announce the first grant winner. Many applicants were present this morning at Betahaus when we had the honour to hand over a brown paper bag filled with 1000 EUR to Konrad who convinced with his awesome idea.

Konrad will build a sleigh track with different lanes to enjoy winter and the snow. It will be maintained, so it lasts a while. He already has some locations in mind and is eager to realize his snowride soon. In this video, Konrad explains his idea with his own words.

We liked the idea because it spreads love and fun during a very hard, dark and cold time in Berlin: winter. It will bring people together and create a friendly environment. It is realizable soon and within the budget. Plus: We all look forward to riding that hill ourselves, awesome!

Thanks to everybody who submitted their ideas, we were amazed by the variety and number (more than 40) applications! It was really hard to decide, great fun took us a whole friday night and we look forward to the next pack of applications, If you think you’ve got an Awesome idea then get your submissions in now!