Tomorrow I’ll be talking about virtual worlds and social reasons for escaping into them at the Virtual worlds camp. The camp will take place at Frogster IP, in Hardenbergstraße 9a, Berlin, from 11.00h to 16:00h. I’m talking at 14:15, you can watch the whole conference on Hobnox.
Beside me, there will be other experts, like Computec Media AG CEO Johannes Sevket Gözalan, Sunny Park from Frogster Korea or Mirko Caspar from Metaversum, talking about virtual worlds, gaming in general, promotion and business models within that area.
There will be a party at night, too, where I’ll be djing at a secret place you will have to find out by asking the sausage seller at Choriner Str, corner to Schönhauser Alle. You can register for the event at amiando.