I love the new Jusos Blog

Why? Because discussion is building up there on a high level 🙂

Ich wollte immer schon gerne einmal dem Entscheidungsprozeß beiwohnen, in dem die fortschrittlichen gesellschaftlichen Kräfte darüber befinden, wie mit bürgerlich-individualistischen Konterrevolutionären zu verfahren ist.

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Soziale Unruhen und die Krise

[Disclaimer: I work for PANORAMA3000 and helped to build the Jusos Blog]

European election badge

European parliament offers a nice widget on their European Parliament MySpace site which breaks down essential political questions in a very simple way. Here is the widget I did:

Too bad it does not show the meaning of the symbols but it goes like this: the cat is for taming financial markets, the sun is for solar energy (althought that’s a little short, I believe we need a mix, which includes nuclear energy BUT with a clear stop in the future), the lock is for open borders, the flash for electric energy for cars, the book is for investments in education (instead of agriculture) and the syringe is for genetic agriculture (and I do not mean Monsanto! I believe public science must undertake a much bigger effort than today to find, also genetically driven, solutions to make agriculture more sustainable and productive.

Globaler Handel, lokale Märkte, Irrsinn der EU Politik

Am 07.06. sind Europawahlen. Hier folgen einige Gedanken und Forderungen welche Themen m.E. die öffentliche Diskussion über europäische Politik beherrschen sollten. Maßgeblich beeinflusst vom fantastischen Themenabend auf arte zu globalem Handel und lokalen Märkten, deren Dokumentationen man online sehen kann (Links ganz unten).

Die eigentliche Verantwortung Europas liegt nicht in einer europäischen Armee oder dem weiteren Beitritt von Ländern oder Euro-Staaten. Sie liegt auch nicht in Mindestlöhnen und Verpackungsgrößen. Die eigentliche Verantwortung Europas für die Welt liegt in der Wirtschafts, Energie- und Agrarpolitik.

Europa muss eine Menge tun und das schließt uns alle ein. Die europäische Politik muss ihre Ausgaben (und die sind nicht gering) darauf überprüfen, wem sie nützen. Die europäischen Konsumenten müssen kritischer werden und weniger verbrauchen. Ganz konkret sind Biodiesel, Exportsubventionen und unsere Konsumgewohnheiten sichere Methoden, um Millionen Menschen auf der Welt in Armut und Hunger zwingen.
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Söder sägt am System

Bild von reizthema.deEigentlich sollte man Markus Söder ja für einen schlauen Politiker halten. Umso mehr verwundert jetzt seine dumme und durchschaubare Anti-Gesundheitskampagne.

Markus Söder, zurzeit Umweltminister in Bayern, will den Gesundheitsfonds, den er als Teil der CSU/CDU Regierung mitbeschlossen hat, nun wieder abschaffen. Damit stimmt er in das Wehgeschreih der Ärzte ein und schlägt zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe.

Zum einen kann er sich vor den Karren einer vielleicht nicht zahlreichen aber doch mächtigen Klientel spannen lassen, die ihm dafür eine Anti-SPD-Kampagne finanzieren. Und er kann, genau wie die Ärzte, so tun, als ginge es ihm um das Wohl der Patienten und nicht um die Brieftaschen der niedergelassenen Ärzte.

Aber nicht alle Ärzte setzen so leichtfertig ihre Reputation aufs Spiel wie die in den Spiegel- und Focus-Artikeln erwähnten Ärzte-Funktionäre. Manchen ist es peinlich, dass 10 000 brutto für einen niedergelassenen Arzt nicht reichen sollen. Manche wollen sich nicht von Orthopäden und Radiologen (Durchschnitt 16000 EUR) missbrauchen lassen. Manche finden es auch in Ordnung, dass es jetzt einen Finanzausgleich zwischen Ost und West gibt, so dass nicht alle Landärzte aus Ostdeutschland wegziehen. Klar, dass das Söder nicht gefällt. Solidarität zwischen den Bundesländern ist ja auch nur in Ordnung, wenn Bayern davon profitiert.

Satt dessen müssen sich die niedergelassenen Ärzte einige Fragen gefallen lassen: Warum müssen Ärzte, vor allem junge, im Krankenhaus unter so schlechten Bedingungen und so schlechter Bezahlung arbeiten? Ist es nicht so, dass für alle im System dieselbe Summe zur Verfügung steht? Wenn also Radiologen und Orthopäden statt 18 000 EUR 19000 EUR verdienen, sind das nicht 1000 EUR weniger, die eine Krankenschwester oder ein junger Stationsarzt hat? Und hätten die es nicht mehr verdient? Warum müssen die Streits immer auf dem Rücken der Patienten ausgetragen werden und warum macht man ihnen vor, dass es um ihr Wohl geht, wenn es doch schlicht um die Bezahlung der Ärzte geht?

Learning from the crisis: Frontline Inside the Meltdown

We sit here and stare at the bad news, see big corporations in trouble, banks going bankrupt, bankers going home with insane bonuses although they cost their companies and thus US money, billions of money. We sit here and try to understand what is going on here. Try to understand the gambling with credit default swaps and toxic assets, subprime mortgages and other risky financial constructs.

Although some call this phenomenon a “black swan“, something totally surprising this is no explanation to me. For everybody involved in this game, all of these investment wizzards, who came up with these supercomplex derivates, at some point at least, they MUST have seen a small glimpse of the risk they are putting us all in. The vicious cirlce which was going on here. Insurance companies betting on their great ratings should have been NOT aware of what would happen if they lose this reputation, that they put their whole business and thus the business they are constantly insuring to a fatal risk?! No way. In this case they must have been smart AND stupid at the same time.

So what’s the learning from all this? We must know more. We must learn. All of us must try to understand what was going on here and be able to talk eye to eye to politicians, to journalists, to bankers. There is a program on American Public Broadcasting System (PBS) which seems to bring a great deal of learning: Frontline – Inside the Meltdown. A very well done site and a very insightful documentary about the crisis. Interviews and original clips put together to understand the dramaturgy of the crisis: Bear Stearns, Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac..

Here is one of the clips:

German public railway company “Deutsche Bahn” threats most known political blogger

Netzpolitik.org is the widest read German political weblog. The authors, foremost Markus Beckedahl, always take a clear position for privacy, freedom and transparency and against public surveillance, strict copyright laws and security-instead-of-freedom politics. In the German internet sphere they are the strongest voice for open source, creative commons, knowledge sharing, free culture and freedom of expression.

The authors try to raise public interest and awareness for the dangers of surveillance and data collection and the importance of privacy, not only by the police and other executive institutions but foremost by private companies. In Germany, many examples of private data and surveillance abuse have been published in German media recently: customer data by Deutsche Telekom (or T-Com) was sold, Telekom, Lufthansa and Post top managers have been surveilling employees and customers, German retailer Lidl hired private investigators to spy on their employees. These are only a few examples to stress the importance of the said issues.

On saturday, January 31st, Beckedahl published the summary of a conversation between the Berlin data protection officer and Deutsche Bahn top executives reporting about the methods of Network Deutschland, the company hired to spy on employees and customers. This memo was written by the data protection office and anonymously sent to Netzpolitik. The memo is actually pretty boring, Spiegel has way more exciting facts and talks about more than 170 000 people who have been spied on by Deutsche Bahn.

What makes this case exciting is that Deutsche Bahn tries to legally threaten Netzpolitik for making this memo public. A memo which has been cited many times by other media already. Funny enough, the reactions in the blogosphere and by other media in only one day make this memo famous.

And not only bloggers, but basically all citizens, politicians, architects, police men, journalists hope that Bahn CEO Hartmut Mehdorn now will have to go for good. If not for the blogger threat than at least for the spying scandal.

My DLD09 summary

First, you can get an overview of all articles published on the DLD live blog here.

After three days of intense blogging, live blogging(!), there should be a little resumée. Must be a personal one, naturally, although I aim to grasp some of that spirit hopefully many people sensed in these days of Digital, Life, Design 09.
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My work for PANORAMA3000 and Jusos

Inspired by Peter’s blogpost about Life updates, I would like to state some things, too.

Over the last year (2008), I was still working as a freelance online consultant but mainly doing concepts and creating ideas for the Berlin based digital communications agency PANORAMA3000 and its clients. I started to work for P3000 in december 2007 after having finished my studies in communcation and business at FU Berlin.

Working for P3000 has been great so far, it’s a very ambitious and young team, consisting of people who like exactly what I like: music, the interwebs and being creative. I had lots of possibilities to shape ideas and concepts for clients like Universal Music, Sony Music, arvato Bertelsmann and even the Golfclub Wannsee Berlin. Some of my posts here might have been work related but since most of it treats with funky web ideas and music, I did not take the chance every time to say I was also working (for money!) with that particular project. Sorry for that.

Next year we’ll be working for young socialists within the Social Democratic Party (SPD), short: Jusos. There are elections to the European parliament and the Bundestag (German parliament who then elect the government) coming up and we will be helping Jusos to tune their websites and most of all their online supporters management, using social media platforms and tools. You probably know that I did work for SPD with ABFace2net in the past. And that stylewalker.net always featured posts dealing with politics.

Of course I will present some strategies, tools and ideas here and hope you will find it interesting to take a look at our work and sometimes behind the curtains. Personally, I like the social democratic people we are working with and often, of course not always, agree with their political ideas about a social society, education, environment and regulating financial markets on a global level.

Ist Sarah Palin Loriot?

Immer wenn ich Sarah Palin höre, muss ich an Loriot denken. Die Frau ist Comedy pur. Zunächst ein von Tina Fey in exakt denselben Worten praodierte Passage aus ihrem berüchtigten Couric-Interview:

und hier ein echter Loriot Klassiker. Der Politiker Karlheinz Stiegler hält eine Grundsatzrede im Bundestag.
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