Sex and violence are true drivers of technology

Fruit fly remote controlThat sex porn was one of the main drivers of the internet (and now its mobile derivatives) is a statement that surely can be discussed but still pops up here and then again and again.

And taking this story on BoingBoing about remote-controlled fruit flies into account, adding the fact that one of the scientist behind the fruit flies experiments is Dr Gero Miesenböck and funded by the us military brings us to one sad conclusion: Despite being humans, complexly developed creatures, sex and violence are still the main drivers of our progress.

Best logos and logo trends for 2007

Descending dots are amongst others a major trend in recent logo design, Logolounge found out in their 2007 trends:

Logo Trends 2007
Examples for logos with descending dots, taken from Logolounge

Vivid logos were found by the logo blog: An example for a vivid logo,
taken from Logoblog

A chiseled structure becoming alive is the London 2012 brand that was revealed yesterday. An image movie shows how the logo becomes part of the environment and while the aesthetics of the logo are a matter of taste and I think the idea is pretty unusual and, ehm, edgy, the movie is kind of scary.
London Olypmpics 2012 logo
It might represent the competitive character of the games and the fight to find the best. It might also visualize the mental effects of doping, who knows.

[via Cherryflava]

Nicht so smartes Medienbusiness?

“Die waren erst mal geschockt. Die hatten ja nicht einmal gewusst, dass die Optionen wegfallen, wenn ich freiwillig gehe. Die dachten, der Vertrag wäre wasserdicht.”
Max Buskohl, der sich freiwillig von DSDS verabschiedete im sehr lesenswerten Stern-Interview mit ein paar netten Hintergründen. Die Musik seiner Band Empty Trash ist aber nicht so besonders, wenn man ehrlich ist, sogar richtig üble Rocksoße. Einen Produzenten brauchen sie allein schon damit der ihnen mal das Timing grade zieht.

Danke Re:publica

Auch wenn der Re:publica an einigen Stellen vorgeworfen wird, sie sei lahm, langweilig und überhaupt alle Blogger dort ziemlich selbstreferentiell gewesen (“Blogger sprechen mit Bloggern übers Bloggen” – hm, ja, stimmt) ist mir das ziemlich egal, in die besten Clubs kommen eben auch nicht alle rein und die drin sind, sprechen darüber wie toll es ist, drin zu sein. Ist es auch. Wenn man drin ist.

Ich habe mich auf jeden Fall sehr wohl gefühlt in dieser loggeren Atmosphäre im Kontakthof oder im “Nerdgeschoss” wo es sich eben so vertraut anfühlte, weil sich alle, zumindest irgendwie, schon kannten. Dass das aber überhaupt nicht repräsentativ für die “deutschen Blogger” war, ist ja sonnenklar und das hat auch niemand behauptet. Das war vielleicht eine irgendwie lose gekoppelte Szene, aber ganz viele waren eben auch nicht da. So und um mal ein bisschen Social Networking zu betreiben, danke ich für die netten Gespräche und Inspirationen: Markus, Jan Schmidt, Falk, Steffen Büffel, Florian, Robert, Oliver, Pit und Nico.
Continue reading


Wow, this is what I call impact, look at the Technorati searches to the right.
I guess I do not necessarily have to say much myself in this case, just that re:publica is a nice conference about life on the net with a good vibe and surprisingly many girls (usually, you’ll only find guys on this web 2.0bloggingcastingmediachanging digitalworldrevolution things..) See some pics or read about it. Or ask me later when you see me personally. But the coolest, most instant and somehow closest tool to get an impression on what’s going on at the conference is the very twittery live comment tool of the lectures via SMS.

re:publica – conference about “living on the net” in Berlin

re:publica bannerTwo guys that are not only very respected by me but also by a whole bunch of also very respectable internet people organize an event in Berlin to talk about “living on the net”. Johnny Haeusler (Spreeblick) and Markus Beckedahl (newthinking, netzpolitik) gather many wise und witty heads to talk about culture on the net, the power it can give to people, about blogging, communities, citizen journalism, how to join small pieces, liberate yourself and have a lot of fun doing so. Read about the conference on

German swearwords

For those of you who enjoy a little wordplay from time to time and are fascinated by German zusammengesetzte Hauptwörter (Mark Twain loved them too, read his masterpiece “The awful German language“) here’s a little thought:

German composed swear words don’t sound so mean anymore if you just interchange the two main vocals, actually, they sound quite cute.
Some examples.
Schwunzlatscher – Pessnilke – Sickgesacht (haha, reminds me of Bastian Sick) and Flichwachser. Hey, here’s one that get’s even stronger: Wurmdascher!

Saidly enough, it doesn’t work with Flachzange, Vollpfosten or Kackbratze.
Any more creative ideas here?

Making decisions fast

Thermals Fuckin AInspired by the paradox of choice, I decided to make my decisions faster from now on. My mobile phone carrier calls and offers a new mobile? Yeah, sure, why not, get it over!

Planning the next year, study, work, how? Why not do this now, in 5 minutes? C’mon, it’s not so hard. I don’t want to waste no more time thinking about what would be better or worse or if decisions are right or wrong. They have do be made. Period.

So, enjoy, the mighty Thermals and “Here’s your future!”:
[via Subpop]