Super summer mix

This here flew in my inbox and I like it:

Cris Urban (DJ, Exploited Rec. assistant, designer,blogger) has got a new live mix (live recorded,no abelton set, no sync Button) called “Calamari”. Cris gives you a good summervibe, you will find artists like Doctor Dru, Flight Facilities, Robosonic, Rampa, Solomun, Zombie Disco Squad, David August, Kink & Deniz Kurtel.

He says: “Not only for listening in the office, your kitchen with friends or at the balcony… even for your way to the park or to the next open air. ” True.

Full playlist and more info on Cris’ blog.

Auflegen im Schau Fenster

Last week I tested my new digital DJing set Traktor Scratch A6 at Schau Fenster gallery and it was really fantastic. The vinyl feel and controlling abilities combined with the ease of digital storage just kicks it. I won’t stop to buy vinyl though, but I feel some new possibilities have just been opened here. Here are some nice pics, shot by Sebastian Glowinski für GOOD GUYS ENTERTAINMENT.

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Lunchbeat Berlin

The seed was planted in Sweden, Stockholm, now it’s a global “movement”. Movement in a double meaning since in many cities worldwide the idea grew and since it is about moving. Your body. In your lunchbreak. To music in a club. That’s lunchbeat.

Simple and funny, it started in a parking lot in Stockholm and tomorrow, thursday 31st of May will see the first global and livestream-connected lunchbeat where people dance, have some food and drinks (water is for free).

“The tribe becomes one” is the motto and Berlin will see its lunchbeat at ZMF, Brunnenstr. 10, it starts at 1pm. Here is the Facebook event.

Disclosure: GoStockholmGoeteborg and VisitSweden support this event and my company P3000 works for them.

Long weekend – parties in Berlin

I’ll post some parties here which flew in my inbox. This is going to be the first real summer weekend, monday is a holiday, so be prepared!

Schau Fenster gallery opening
Tonight (friday 25th of may) I’ll play some tunes at Schau Fenster from 8pm. Come around, grab a beer, they are free!

Renate Open Air
Starts tonight, goes on for four days, on a lake, camping etc.
Who Made Who, Shir Khan, Koze and many, many others.

Courtyard Opening at Picknick – Saturday

Karneval der Kulturen
On sunday, all over Kreuzberg, full program here.

Sunday will also see many open airs, check the Open Air Berlin facebook page for current updates or Resident Advisor

Party Arty 37 – avec Stylewalker

“Woah, that’s a big flyer”. Hell yeah! It’s a big party. I am excited because I’ve always been a fan of Party Arty and now finally I get to play there. Stylewalker on the decks again! This saturday, Ritter Butzke.

I always liked it because it was different. Always with big ambitions, Yaneq, the party dictator and organizer, tried to mix “vibes from different tribes” and presented diverse music, installations, performances and always a good crowd of people. In case you’ve never been there, here’s your chance: comment or hit me up via mail or Facebook if you want to be on the guestlist.

This is my personal agenda: The more people come, the more likely it is that I get a room on my own. And I want that, together with DJ Gaucho we would give you a good time on a little club floor.

And the rest of the crew is grand too, Sirius Mo and many others, check the line up here.

Not convinced yet? Watch this video of party mayhem and get your ass there on saturday!

Oh, music? Sure! Go back to my Party Arty 37 tracks selection and listen to this mix by Gaucho

Und wer immer noch nach mehr Hintergrundinfos dürstet, dem sei hier dieses Interview (aus meiner Küche) gegeben: