My trip to South America

Within two weeks I will be off and travelling South America for two months, and I am dead excited! Preparations are almost made, I have a perfect bagpack, not too big, not too small, I have the right jacket, shoes, one of these lights you can put on your head, a sleeping bag, a kindle device for reading books, lots of audio books on the ipod, I have a towel which is light and tiny but has the superdrying powers and I hope the vaccination from the Thailand trip should also work in South America.

I got tons of tips from friends what to visit and to see, I have adresses to tango bars in Buenos Aires and to surfer beaches in Ecuador, hostels in La paz and trails in the Andes. But even more important, I have people to meet, friend’s cousins in Argentina, a friend in Lima, friends of friends in Quito and so on.

Größere Kartenansicht

And here is the route I’ll be travelling: To NYC on the 8th of feb, stay for three days, fly to Buenos Aires, stay for a week, than a long trip to Salta, Atacama desert, Potosí, La Paz, Puno, Titicaca, Cuzco, Inka Trail, Lima, stay for some days and travel slowly north at the coast line to Ecuador and finally to Quito from where I fly back via NYC again after two months. Back in Berlin in april when the weather should start getting better slowly.

So, the excitment grows every day! I don’t know how much internet I am going to allow myself, but I will sure post some updates about the trip from time to time. Also, I want to thank all of the people who help me with advice and lend me stuff, my flatmates who are going to take care of our place while I am away and last but not least, the PANORAMA3000 team who make it possible for me to leave the office for quite a long time. It’s going to be great!