“Streit! Konstruktive Kontroverse” (Beef – constructive controversy) is Social Media Week Berlin’s motto 2010, in this post we explain why we think it is a good subject and how we see the state of digital Streit today.
Social Media has become a buzzword, so prominent, many people are already sick of it. Social Media needs to be in every marketing campaign, Social Media is finally the utopia “the internet” (in the 90ies) and “Web 2.0” (in the 00 years) both couldn’t fulfill, Social Media can be done by everyone and everyone must do it unlesss he or she will fall into endless oblivion. Plus Obama used it. Obama!
We don’t think that that is all wrong nor are we sick of using all these handy tools to connect and interact, nor are we sick talking about it. But we want to take another stand, another perspective. That’s why we came up with the subject “Streit!”. Streit means conflict, controversy, beef! And we like it! Here is why.