The Evolution2 is the sequel of the first, very susccesful talent competition Evolution by Hobnox. The contest is coming closer to the final decisions, though it is still time to submit projects to enter the finals.
While the Evo2 is running hot right now, the winners of the first contest are presenting the results of their work since winning the contest at the big Hobnox launch party and evolution festival in february 08. Missy Magazine, a mag about pop, politics and style from a feministic viewpoint is now available as a good old glossy print mag, while Boombaker, a very energetic live drum’n’bass/breakbeat band are on tour right now.
Here, I’d like to present some of the most interesting pieces and explain the rules in a nutshell.
Evolution2 features a different kind of contest setup. For 10 weeks now and for two more following weeks, in the categories music, film and culture a weekly winner is being voted by the Hobnox users and get prizes like recording material or professional software. Together with 12 other projects in each category who are going to be selected by a jury they enter the final round. Between 01.12.08 and 14.12.08 users can then vote one project in each category who will receive 30000$ to support future projects.
So, who’s hot this time? One of my favourites is Suchtmaschine, noisy and emotional instrumental post rock, reminding of Mogwai and the like. Here is their song “Kumasi“:
I also very much liked the electronic soundscapes of Fecr-I Ati, winner of the 7th week.
And of course I like a project submitted in the culture category: Guerilla projections, who do exactly what you expect from the name.
So, Evolution2 in my opinion has even more quality then the first Evolution. Go there, vote for the stuff you like, the people behind the projects will be very thankful.