13th of july: Bürgerentscheid Mediaspree

A little animation about the future with Mediaspree by Pappsatt
Kiki Blofeld – gone. Oststrand – gone. Bar25 – gone. Yaam – gone. Maria am Ufer – gone. All of these cultural pearls along the river in Berlin will be gone in very short time, should the plans of “Mediaspree” become reality.

183 000 Friedrichshain-Kreuzbergers can cast their vote concerning these plans of a big urban development project along the river Spree on July 13th. The project “Mediaspree” plans to build offices and buildings within the next years and is going to invest more than 2 billion Euro. The cost would be the loss of a lot of public urban space.

Urban development is a good thing, in this case though, many people fear to be left without being asked. All what is special about Berlin, the little, independent, free and creative places, the bars and clubs at the river, I would even go as far to say, the creativity itself, is in danger here. The intitiative with the martial name “Mediaspree versenken” demands no more than to leave a space of at least 50 meters between the river and the new houses, space to be used for all Berliners and all who come here. You can vote for this demand on July13th if you live in Friedrichshain or Kreuzberg – tell your friends!