Funkpark / Rechenzentrum is one of Berlin’s most interesting locations right now. Situated right by the water, a little south-east from Treptower park, it is a beautiful outdoor area, with volleyball pitches, beach, little huts, bars and lots of sand. And during the weekends, the party moves to the indoor location Rechenzentrum, equipped with an impressive sound system.
Tomorrow, I have the big honor to play some tunes from 18h, then watch THE game (Ronaldo, I want to see you cry. Again.) and play on a little. So, please come around, find a map below. You can ride the bike from Ostkreuz (10min) or take the bus 21 from Frankfurter Tor, Bersarinplatz, Boxhagenerplatz and Ostkreuz (exit Markgrafendamm, then some meters to the right towards the crossing) stopping at Köpenickerchaussee/Blockdammweg. There’s a map after the click:
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