Best week-end roof event: Best Work’s Sundowner parties

Tomchak, Shir Khan, Ben MonoTomchak, Shir Khan and Ben MonoI already wrote about the week-end roof and that it’s recommended to come early (opens at 7pm, during the week they don’t charge until 10pm or so, during the week-end you’ll be leaving 5€) and bring a jacket. The view is amazing and if you’re lucky, the rest of the people, too.

This is the case when Best Works, Sonar Kollektiv’s (amongst other artists, e.g. Fat Freddys Drop) booking and event agency host their Sundowner Parties – on the roof. I was there last time (one week ago) to see Shir Khan, Ben Mono and Tomchak and had a jolly good time. See some more pictures!
Update: See even more pictures thanks to Ben Mono who send them to me!

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

All following pictures are by Ben Mono. Thanks!!

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset

Week End Roof Berlin Sunset