Playmusicmagazine is an awesome online mag about music which has one of the most intriguing user interfaces I have ever seen. Videos, soundfiles, pictures and text just blend into a highly engaging and entertaining mix of multimedia. And the Oslo-based crew have taste in music without letting themselves be constrained by musical genres! And now they need help, that’s why they asked me to pass this job offer on to you, dear readers, to work as editor and contributor for their international online mag. Read Lars Baek’s email after the break.
Hi there!
I am contacting you because we might need your help.
Our magazine,, is starting to gain traction in the US and we are focusing more and more on the US market.
So, we are are on the lookout for:
* 1. US Editor/Country Manager *
The right person already has some sort of network within the US music scene/industry, is able to get interviews, has a strong drive/is outgoing and is able to build up a base of freelancers, do networking and thus create buzz and awareness about PlayMusicMagazine in the US.
We are also looking for:
* 2. US contributors *
Anyone passionate about music that has a talent for writing and a 6th sense about what´s next.
* 3. International Associate Editors/Contributors *
Same as above, but international (e.g. Associate Editor Italy) So if you have any contacts outside US – let them know!
Do you know anyone who would be interested?
Thank you in advance for your time and efforts!
Best regards,
Lars Baek
write to lars.baek[ at ]playmusicmagazine(dot)com