Extreme funnny

Since I read so many bad news in the newspaper today, here is something to cheer things up: The two guys are like modern comic style clowns with extremely coordinated physical action, perfectly adjusted to the music. I wonder who they are, so I could give them credit. Some idea?
(Note: The three ns in “funnny” are on purpose, so I’ll get hits by type errors.. hohoho)

Rave for a better world

Pic by Magsen from the G8 Flickr PoolShame on me: Da hatte ich schon vor mehr als einer Woche Konzerte an der Ostsee im Rahmen des G8Protests (Protest, ich weiß nicht, irgendwie scheue ich mich dieses Wort zu benutzen, wie wärs mit: Alternative?) angekündigt. Und keiner hat’s gemerkt, dass das ja viel zu früh war. Anyway. Das Treffen beginnt erst in diesen Tagen am Mittwoch und vorgestern gab es Krawall in Rostock.

Keiner weiß genau, was passiert ist, Staatsgewalt und Opposition schieben sich die Schuld zu, es ist hässlich. Und auch ich muss mir wohl eingestehen, dass meine Hoffnung, es gäbe lediglich ein buntes Festivaltreiben um den vermaledeiten Zaun, zumindest vorerst gescheitert ist. Man kann nur hoffen, dass Leute wie die Hedonistische Internationale mit friedlichem Weltverbesserung-Rave (Donnerstag, am Strand) das Bild des Protests von schwarz-vermummt wieder auf bunt schalten.
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Two mixes for my current mood

Yes! It’s done, next to me lies a big book and I can’t believe I have written it. Last night, at 2am, my laptop took his last breath and stopped to cooperate with the power supply. I knew I had only a limited time left to finish the thesis and I saw the display going like “you have 40 minutes left” – “you have 20 minutes left” – “you have 10 minutes left”. I had never typed that fast. The laptop turned off one second after copying the latest version on a memory stick. Phew..

Thank you so much everybody who helped me and supported me (thx for the comments!), especially Nici, Chrissie, Pit, Max and Jana! You are great!!

So, here are two mixes to support my current mood, both come Kitsuné, the übercool French disco house new rave pop label. One is the promo mix for the new Digitalism album and the other is a mix from the new Kitsune collection Masion Kitsuné 4.

Digitalism Promo mix:(this is more like: F**ing YEAH! ITS OVER!! BANG YOUR HEAD!!!

Kitsuné Maison 4 Promo mix:(this ones more like: Cool. Now I can sit in the sun and have a coffee. Easy.)

via Headphone sex