How could advertising look on Stylewalker?

When telling marketing people about my blog and how many visitors come by here daily (around 200 which is a nice number but still loooooooong tail, no?) they tend to ask me: “Why don’t you put ads on your site?”. Hm. Dunno. Too much stress to administrate? Not worth the effort? Besides: I know, would I put ads here, I’d put much more work in getting more people on the site which could change: What I write about and how I do it. On the other hand, I am vain enough wanting many people to come here anyway, independent from ads..

[PLACE YOUR AD HERE (in case it’s as pretty as the site)]

Actually, would be a mag where, I guess, advertising wouldn’t surprise visitors. It’s music, it’s style, it’s interesting web stuff, it’s Berlin – it’s not the ohsoindependent opinion driven private newsroom or diary. I am the last to say advertising is bad, but in the context of a site who has a strong message to tell about how the world should be, ads just don’t seem to be appropriate.

Here, they would under one condition. They had to be stylish. Banners must look nice, I would not like stupid text links or blinky animated gifs. I want cool ideas, good photos, interesting products. As long as these premises are not complied, I am afraid, I can’t put ads here.

But if you are somebody who is looking for exactly that match (Me: A cool site about cool stuff, You: selling stylish ads for interesting products), please write and give me your clients’ money!