Survey for a new FU Berlin students portal

I just filled out a survey about the students’ expectations for a new portal and social network for all students of the Freie Universität Berlin. I have to admit, I was quite surprised about the quality of the questions, the whole approach seems very promising to me. Let alone the fact to actually ask the users and recruit them for beta testing through a survey before starting to develop a social network platform is a plus. It seems ironic because this should be the case for all user driven online platforms but sadly enough is seldom the case.

If you are a FU student, take part in the survey until january 15th!

The “Center für digitale Systeme” wants to build a place on the web for the students to connect to other students and teachers, share knowledge, experience and documents, get information and news by the administration and the faculty, use it as a calendar and for administrative issues like adress changes and so on.

It’s a pity that I will not be able to make use of this but I am sure within some years these webbased platforms will be compulsive for any modern university and it makes me kind of proud that mine is already starting it. Good luck, people, it will not be easy to handle a project like this, especially not when there are so many people to integrate!