“Feierkondition” should be incorporated in the English language, just like “Angst”, “Weltschmerz” and, uhm, “Glockenspiel”. It’s what you need in cities like Berlin, with its overload of parties and interesting people to meet. I sometimes wonder how I keep up with the relentless pace of partymaking. But in the end, it always gives more engergy than it takes. So, looking back to a vivid week to an even more vivid weekend, I ask you: Can you compete with that?!
Monday, webmonday, meeting up with the booming Berlin internet economy. E.g, check out newsride.org – a portal for newsjunkies and commentators. Yet another political discussion online? Kind of, but with a warmhearted community and an equally smart usability.
Do you know coders who look for work in Berlin?
I met two very friendly and succesful entrepreneurs. So successful, they’d hire five programmers instantly. Here’s a job description.
Tuesday was discussion day. It was cool, especially the conversations after the official part, but to be honest – I did not really hear something new. Everybody wants artists and creative people to be able to make a living of their talent, yet, how this is going to be achieved nobody knows for sure. The problem is, we cannot really try it out, we just have to let it go.
Wednesday had the release party to Tolcha’s Crusehd ice video (I’ll post it as soon as it is online). Stylish. Few people, but the best – big up! Had the most fascinating conversation with T from C-Base about decentralized systems and trust networks. Watch out for their christmas project “Plex”!
And yesterday was the most murderous party night so far. Going out with Marco Delvai to Berliner Wald to end the poetry session with some techhouse (his new mix is dubby, man, right into your solar plexus – find it here, soon!), hooking up with Yaneq, Immo and the Grethers to join the Introducing at Popkomm and ending up in Maria am Ufer for BPitch control. Boiy.
Tonight will be some guitars and finally saturday the long awaited, one time opening of mighty Deep.
Hopefully, I’ll still be alive on sunday.