
Interactive walls that seem alive and are able to reflect the reality. A form of minimalism, very formalistic and reducing. And looks überstylish.. If I had a bar, this would be the highlight.

“Aperture” is a facade installation consisting of an iris diaphragm matrix (which you can find in cameras as well)made by students of the Universität der Künste (UdK), Berlin. digital media class. These artificial eyelike irises are able to react to their environment and create a moving surface by closing and opening.( Click for a video!)
Very impressive and clever are the projects “Moving Canvas” and “Sonderzüge”

Both are installations that play with moving trains. “Sonderzüge” (Click for the video) projects the names of concentration camps on the roof of trains passing beneath a bridge.

“Moving canvas” (Click for the video) is a video projector with a mirror placed on the surface of a metrotrain, projecting movies to the tunnel walls, adjusted to the speed of the train which can be seen by the travellers. Very easy and effective. Will the future’s advertisment look like this? This project is a good opportunity to think about it..

The artists name is Frédéric Eyl and now he is in Barcelona. I got to know him through a friend and he wanted me to tell him about Barcelona life. I did and could give him good advice: A friend put him in contact with people in Gracia that were looking for a flatmate and he was not sure if he should just take the offer or go and look on his own. “In Barcelona”, I told him “the things just emerge on their own. This offer is a sign. You should take it.” He did and now he is very happy.


Interaktive Wände, die lebendig scheinen und die Realität reflektieren können. Eine Form des Minimalismus, eine sehr formalistische und reduzierende Darstellung. Und sieht unglaublich stylish aus.. Hätte ich eine Bar, das wäre das Highlight.

“Aperture” ist von Studenten der UdK Berlin, Klasse Digitale Mediengestaltung . Einer von ihnen ist jetzt in Barcelona und bringt die hiesige Medienkunst in Bewegung. Zwei weitere schöne Projekte sind die “Sonderzüge” und “Parasite”. Projektionen in Verbindung mit sich bewegenden Zügen. Städtenamen tauchen auf unter einer Brück hindurchfahrenden Zügfen auf, im U-Bahntunnel wähnen sich die Passagiere auf einmal unter Wasser. Werbeform der Zukunft? Dieses Projekt ist ein guter Grund, mal über Pro und Contra nachzudenken..