Podcasting is a growing trend. Interesting news: Apple builds a podcasting client into iTunes and the first mobile podcast client is ready.
I already wrote about this twice. The developments in this new area are interesting and very exciting.
First, AppleĀ“s decision to integrate podcasts (via MacTechNews) in their music player itunes is a big step for the pheonmena podcasting. Installing a new software and learn how to use it still is a big barrier to many people. When a known product by a trusted company offers this new way to
receive audiofiles many more people will use it in the future.
Pew Internet Research recently found out that
More than 6 million American adults have listened to podcasts 29% of those who own MP3 players enjoy Web broadcasts at their leisure
Moreover, Apple certainly will use its influence and development power to invent a payment system for podcasts. The moment business models can be created around this technology will be the final breakthrough for the popularity of podcasting. Channels, flatrates, maybe models from digital TV could be adopted..
Any ideas?
And finally people are working on mobile solutions already. A1000 brings the news and even a photo. Still all on development but really fuelling ideas in my head.