I wanted to do this for a long time, finally I made it.
It´s a new Stylewalker-Mix, called “Funky Urban Wild Pitch”!
Because it´s funky and the music is urban and it´s wild pitch because it´s from Hip Hop to Techno a really crazy blend in style and velocity. So, please download it as fast as you can, I will not host it for a long time for security reasons. And please: Use the comments to give me feedback, I would really like to know what you think about it.
For your convenience there´s two 15min. parts to download, put together it´s a perfect mix and a good
representation of my skills and taste.
The image above links to a pdf, if you want to make a CD, print the pdf and you will have a perfect cover!
Here´s the Mp3s!
Right click and save as.. Stylewalker – Funky Urban Wild Pitch part 1
Right click and save as.. Stylewalker – Funky Urban Wild Pitch part 2